How we work

Some advisors make financial planning far too complicated and try to blind clients with their technical knowledge rather than offer straightforward advice. We firmly believe financial planning is simply the process of giving comprehensive, unbiased advice to help clients meet their financial goals.

No matter how much wealth the client may have, the financial planning process covers the same six steps.

  1. 1
    Finding out about you

    We follow a strict code of conduct that means unless we sit down and get to know our clients, we will not give the advice they need.

    The intention is to identify your aspirations in life, and for many of they come down to simple wants, like a good education for your children, savings for a worry-free retirement and perhaps some savings for that rainy day and to help children get a decent start in life.

  2. 2
    Identifying financial concerns

    Your attitude to risk, ethical investments and your financial concerns like what happens if you fall ill and can’t work or will your partner and family have enough money to survive should you die.

    The idea is to identify the areas of personal concern and to tailor a personal strategy that deals with the issues you raise.

    Of course, many clients may have a financial status that needs a different level of advice – from the well off to those on a more modest income. We have the experience and resources to help every client make the best of their financial circumstances, whatever they be.

  3. 3
    Goal setting

    Goals can be achieved only if they can be measured.

    You also have to balance whether it is achievable in respect of how cash in the fund is invested and whether you are topping up the fund with any more cash.
    Most of the time we havae financial concerns , but we don’t know how to convert them inot measurable goals, THAT IS WHERE WE HELP.

    Where can we help you the most
    While we listern keenly your current relationship to money including what has you make financial decision . we make not of keen areas where we can support by increasing awareness and education.

  4. 4
    Preparing written options and recommendations

    This is where we work our magic, because from previous meetings, we know you, your financial objectives and your attitude towards money and investments.

    You have highlighted when you want to retire and the lifestyle goals that you are aiming to achieve.

    This is where working with a whole-of-the-market independent financial advisor pays dividends, because we have the contacts and experience to look for the best products to suit your circumstances.

  5. 5
    Implementing your decision

    Here we will draw up a bespoke strategy for you and then sit down with you to discuss the options.

    Once you agree a strategy that meets your goals and budget, we will draw up all the necessary documentation and liaise with the financial providers as your agent.

    Rest assured nothing proceeds without your formal permission and signing off.

  6. 6
    Reviewing the plan

    Once you have a financial strategy in place, It is not going to work on its own. Here we will build in to the strategy a regular review meeting to measure performance against goals and to deal with changes like tax rate revisions, new laws and more up-to-date and effective products coming on to the market.

    Part of this review will also include revising any goals , if you have any major life changes like marriage, child birth, etc.

At Modern Munshi ,
We Make your money work for you.!!